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- Year 3 - How do we know about changes from the Stone Age to...
Year 3 - How do we know about changes from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?
We have had a very busy half-term in Year 3, we have been delving into the changes from the Stone Age to the Iron Age with our learning question of the term which was ‘How do we know about changes from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?’ We were lucky to have had an exciting Iron Age workshop, where we explored the fascinating aspects of this time period. Our visitor Anthony Brown, who built our school Round House, talked to us about the construction of Round Houses and how they changed from Stone Age to Iron Age. Along with teaching us about food, clothing and tools used during this time.
Our museum learning artifacts helped us to develop our knowledge of the tools from this time period. They made us think a lot about what the uses of them they were, as they didn't look like objects we use in our homes. We also made our cave paintings, using sand and paint to create our masterpieces. We thought carefully about what we needed to include in our cave paintings, as we had seen of images of animals and hunters in the books that we had explored. We have read many stories around this time period, including ‘Stone Age boy’ and ‘How to Skin a bear’. These have helped us to write our own portal story and set of instructions.
In our High Stakes Project, we did an exhibition for other year groups to show them our learning for the term. We also able to discuss with them our DT lessons where we were able to design, create and evaluate our own Round Houses. We looked at the key features we needed and thought about what materials we would need. We were also lucky to be able to participate in an African drumming session where we were working together as a group to create a piece of music, including a nursery rhyme.