LangleyHeritage 3166


Extra-curricular Enrichment and Wraparound Care

Turtle Bay Wraparound Care

Picture1Turtle Bay is our Breakfast and After school club. 

Please note, access to Breakfast Club is via the Key Stage 1 gate on Kennett Road, and at the end of the day collection is also via the Key Stage 1 gate.

Turtle Bay AM: Operates from 7:45am – 8:40am. After setting the table, children are able to eat a healthy breakfast choosing from a range of cereals, toast, fruit, milk or water. Once the children have eaten they are able to choose from a range of quiet activities to prepare them for learning.

Turtle Bay PM: Operates from 3:25pm – 5:30pm. Children who are attending Turtle Bay after school are collected from class and taken to Turtle Bay. They are provided with a snack and they are able to choose from a range of quiet activities. We have two collection times, 4:30pm or 5:30pm.

Enquiries about bookings for Turtle Bay can be made via

All bookings are made and paid for via ParentPay.

Turtle Bay Booking Terms and Conditions

Extra-Curricular Enrichment

This academic year we are very excited to see the return of our Extra-Curricular Provision.  The benefits of extra-curricular provision our huge and include the following:

  • Improved academic performance
  • Explore interests and new talents
  • Higher self-esteem and confidence
  • Improved social skills and opportunities
  • Life skills

We have many exciting activities on offer and these will be changed every term. Priority and funding is in place for our most vulnerable and PP children to allow the clubs to be free of charge for them.

Clubs Timetable