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Nursery Admissions
We have two Nursery classes for children ages 3 and 4.
Australia AM class is our 15 hours morning only session 8:45 to 11:45.
Andorra class is our 30 hours full day session from 8:40 to 15:00. This is free for parents who are in receipt of a 30 hours funding code. Alternatively, parents/carers can pay a £90 per week top-up fee payable half termly in advance.
If you would like to apply for a place, please complete and return the application form below.
How do I apply for Reception 2025?
Applications should be made through Slough Borough Council online. The deadline for 2025 admissions is 10th January 2025. Offers will be made in April 2025 via Slough Borough Council.
Do I need to complete any Admission Forms with the school?
You will not need to complete any forms with the school, we will contact you with Admission Forms once you are offered a space at our school.
How can I apply for a space at your school if I have just moved into the area or in the middle of an academic year?
You will need to make an in year application through the school office by completing the form below. If you would like to arrange a visit to the school, please call the office to make an appointment.
Parents/carers who are not offered a place for their child have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. Parents/carers wishing to appeal should complete an appeal form. The form should be sent to reach the Clerk to the Appeal Panel, as soon as possible after the date of the letter confirming the decision not to offer a place at The Langley Heritage Primary. Notification of the hearing date will be provided to the appellant by the Clerk at least 14 days before the hearing unless this right has been waived.
Note - for appeals for entry to Reception, September 2025, the Clerk should receive the form by 14th May 2025. Appeals received by the deadline will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline. ‘In year’ appeals for current Reception class and other year groups should be submitted as soon as possible after a place has been refused.
The following link explains the process - www.gov.uk/schools-admissions/appealing-a-schools-decision
Requesting an appeal form
To request an appeal form you can download the appeal form below or contact The Langley Heritage Primary on 01753 542269. The appeal form must be posted to: Private and Confidential, The Clerk to the Appeals Panel, c/o The Langley Heritage Primary, Kennet Road, Langley, Berks, SL3 8EQ.