We are a GOOD school with OUTSTANDING Leadership and Management. Having visited in November, Ofsted have graded the school's overall effectiveness as 'Good' and awarded us 'Outstanding' for leadership & management.
Within the published report Ofsted stated that "Pupils enjoy attending The Langley Heritage Primary. This is a school in which they are well cared for, and safety is the top priority."
Having ensured a huge turnaround in outcomes at the primary school, The Senior Leadership Team states that establishing a safe, welcoming and exciting environment were key drivers in their recent 'Good' grade. Ofsted noticed the hard work undertaken by staff to ensure that "Pupils find their learning interesting and engaging." One pupil told the inspection team that, ‘we get challenged to see how far we can push our limits’.
The Langley Heritage Primary offers pupils a 'distinctive approach to learning' that builds off the ambitions of the national curriculum. There is a helpful focus on bringing learning to life, through their approach to Museum Learning that ensures children have the opportunity to engage with the topics in hand through engaging with experts, museum objects, stories and the schools thriving outdoor environment that currently houses an Iron Age Roundhouse.
'The 'Outstanding' judgement for Leadership & Management Leaders has been a wonderful achievement' says the headteacher, however she acknowledges that it is only possible due to the hard work of all of her staff and their dedication for improving the lives of the children they teach. Having successfully improved every aspect of the school since the previous inspection. Ofsted noted 'This is now a school where all pupils achieve well across a range of subjects. The pastoral care provided, especially for the most vulnerable pupils, is a strength of the school.
Leaders at all levels share the same passion for high-quality education, based on the school values of curiosity, exploration and discovery. They ensure that pupils are excited by their learning and that none are disadvantaged in any way. For example, the school organised a trip to the London museums for the weekend following the inspection, with 250 pupils and family members due to participate.'
Pupils learn well because teaching builds on previous knowledge. Pupils’ learning experiences, including relevant trips, help them to remember what they have learned. Teachers also make helpful links between different areas of learning.
Please click on the link below to view a PDF of our report. Alternatively, you can download the report directly from the Ofsted website HERE.
The Langley Heritage Primary Ofsted Report
Further Information
For further information about Ofsted, please visit their website: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ofsted
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- Headteacher's Welcome
- About TLHP
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- Ofsted
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