Year 1 and 2 Learning Highlights

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May 23, 2024

Year 1 - How alike are humans and other animals?

This term the children's learning has been centered around the big question, 'How alike are humans and other animals?' The children have been looking at texts linked to animals and their habitats. We started the term reading 'Class two at the zoo' and the children wrote a recount of their own trip to the zoo.The children learnt about animals and how to care for them in our recent trip to Beale Park. The children got to see a range of animals and saw what they are fed and the environment they live in at the zoo. They loved their trip! The next day, they wrote all about their trip in their English books.

Year 1 has been lucky enough to receive weekly dance sessions with two coaches. The children learnt a variety of moves and got to express themselves through movement.

Our High stakes project was the create a shoe box diorama. Their diorama consisted on showing off their knowledge about animals and habitats. Children were asked to choose an animal and research about it. Then they created a model of the habitat. Children used the skills they learnt in DT to fold, roll and manipulate resources to create a mini version of an animals habitat.

Have a look at our Art Sculptures!

Year 2 - How can we learn from animals?

This term has been a very busy and exciting one for Year 2! Our big question was 'How can we learn from animals?'. We visited the Living Rainforest, and the children were particularly excited to see a Sloth and brightly coloured frogs in the rainforest habitat!

Our focus for English and Reading has been The Jungle Book, and the children have had lots of fun and worked really hard on our own production for the school and for parents.

We were also lucky enough to have focused dance lessons this term too. Some highlights were dancing to Katy Perry's Roar, and the Sea Shanty!

It has been a fantastic term we are so proud of the children’s achievements and being able to watch them shine on and off the stage!