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Year 3 and 4 Learning Highlights
Year 3
This half term we have been reading the book The Firework Maker's Daughter. The children have thoroughly enjoyed immersing themself into the book and the characters. They have written letters, diary entries and even asked the character 'Lila' lots of questions when she came to visit. We have linked our book to our big question - How did Earth change over time? Within this topic we have been learning about natural disasters including earthquakes and volcanoes. We have understood how these events occur, learning about the make up of our planet, but also the impact that they have on people's lives. This half term also saw our trip to The Natural History Museum which the children enjoyed immensely. Within our foundation topic of Art, the children have been designing and making sculptures following the work of Anthony Caro. They have been learning how to fix resources together to make a 3D abstract model and the features of a model that make it 3D. Below is a link to our sway https:// sway.office.com/ZAV59kxHMqeHoXQZ?ref=Link
Year 4
The children in Year 4 have been learning about Ancient Rome, the impact of the eruption Mount Vesuvius had on the lives of people in Pompeii and about how the Roman Empire was so successful. We went on a fantastic trip to the Roman Amphitheatre and Guildhall where we held real Roman artefacts and spoke to an archaeologist about his findings in Pompeii. In Science the children have been learning about how sounds are made by particles vibrating, we learnt to recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear and are now able to label parts of the ear as well as conducting an experiment to find out whether a sound gets fainter as the distance from the sound source increases. In Art we have been busy learning different painting styles (stippling, dabbing, sponging, watercolour wash) and how to create shades and tints of a colour.
The children created news reports using all of the facts they learned.
Below is Isabelle's and Zuzanna's news report.