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Year 1 and 2 Learning Highlights
Year 1
This term, the children in Year 1 have been answering the question ‘What is beyond our world?’ The children started their topic with a museum learning artifact that they would use throughout their learning. This term we had a star map and a telescope. The children enjoyed exploring and getting familiar with the artifacts.
Once the children were familiar with the learning topic we had a visit from the space dome. This was an interactive and immersive experience where the children were transported into space and explored the solar system.
The children have learnt about the early days of space travel and how scientists began with fruit flies and small insets to see whether itwas possible for humans to go into outer space. They then learnt about the dogs and monkeys before eventually Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. The children have created a video presentation all about their learning which will be sent out via Teams at the start of the new year.
Year 2
In Year 2 we have been looking at ‘How have people from the past changed the way we live today?’. The children had an amazing Mary Seacole workshop where they were able to learn about the life and history of Mary Seacole. They learnt all about the struggles she faced and how the impact she made to nursing was forgotten over time. The children were able to explore real artifacts that were used during nursing like a bedpan, eyebath and a machine that made pills. The children made some brilliant pieces of writing putting themselves in the shoes of Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale. Writing about the experiences they would have had working in a hospital during a warzone at the time. This flowed through to their DT projects of designing beds that could be made for use within a hospital environment. Something that Florence Nightingale was famous for as she changed the way we see nursing today by making sure hospitals were a clean environment for her patients. The childrenalso explored 3D shapes in Maths, taking their learning outside the classroom to help each other find 3D shapes within our playground.