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Year 3 and 4 Learning Highlights
Year 3
The children in Year 3 have enjoyed learning about the Stone Age this half-term. They all had the opportunity to work with Anthony, a pre-historic expert and our Museum Learning team. The children learnt about the tools, clothes and life in the Stone-Age. The children have worked hard towards their 'High Stakes Project, where they will exhibit their work after half-term. Some children have also recorded poetry to share across the school.
As part of our DT topic, pupils really enjoyed making seasonal tarts for the school staff as an act of kindness. This topic helped consolidate their English learning on instructions as children learnt how to follow a recipe to make their product. Pupils have also learnt all about the benefits of using seasonal food such as how it reduces carbon footprint and how it is more nutritious as it hasn’t travelled so far. It would be lovely if you could buy some seasonal food over half term and keep cooking with children. Have fun!
Year 4
Year 4 have been learning about Ancient Greece with out big question being 'How did the Ancient Greeks influence the modern world?'. We learnt about the influence of their alphabet, their government and introduction of a democratic state, schooling where we compared the provision in Athens and Sparta with each other and with our modern schooling system. We read 2 Greek Myths, Theseus and the Minotaur and Deadalus and Icarus. We wrote our own character descriptions of our own mythical beasts and you can see these in our Ebooks which we created as our High Stakes Project.