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Year 1 and 2 Learning Highlights
Year 1
This term Year 1 has been working towards answering our Big Question – What is it like to live in the UK?. The children have learnt about the different countries that make up the United Kingdom and how they are incorporated into the Union Jack and the Royal Standard. Year 1 have enjoyed their visit to Windsor Castle. There they learnt about how the castle was crucial for England’s survival in the middle ages and how it has developed over time to become the castle they see today. In History, the children learnt about the great fire of London and as like Windsor Castle, the streets of London have developed and changed over time.
The children particularly enjoyed learning about Windmills and designing their own. The children learnt about the structure, axis and turbines that form a windmill before creating their own using their plans. Once the children had bult them, we went outside and tested
them to see if they worked. If they didn’t we evaluated their creating process to see how they could adapt it next time.
Year 2
This term year 2’s high stake project was based on celebrating cultural differences. Our big question was ‘How does our culture influence our life?’ and the children were able to investigate this through their Artwork and writing based activities. During our art lessons, children worked on developing their understanding of African patterns and thus had an opportunity to learn the skill of weaving. The children were also able to escape their realities and become emerged in a variety of cultural surroundings during our reading lessons, due to our main texts ‘What do you Celebrate, The Magic Paintbrush and The Ghanian Goldilocks’ providing a rich cultural environment for this.