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Year 5 and 6 Learning Highlights
Year 5
This term has been huge for year 5. The sports day was a massive success, as was our trip to the Olympic stadium in London.
In English, we researched our favourite sports people and wrote a comprehensive Biography about them, detailing their early life and achievements in their respective fields.
In DT, we looked into healthy nutrition and what is takes to be an elite athlete. We then designed our own wrap recipe and even made them with the school chef, Jack. They were delicious!
In Art, we looked at some famous sports mascots and designed our own to represent a sport of our choice. We then made them out clay, what a messy process! Need a bit of mess to have fun!
We have had such a successful year in and outside of the classroom and Mr Hambling and Mr Prendergast are going to miss this year group greatly. We have learnt as much from the year 5s as they have learnt from us, and we know that they are going to absolutely smash it in year 6 - and secondary for that matter.
Year 6
This Final term in Year 6 has been jam-packed!
We started with our residential visit to Marlow where all the children had great fun taking part in a variety of activities including climbing, paddleboarding and laser-tag! We then started work on our Enterprise project where the children did an amazing job to make their own products and sell them at our summer fete. Our final 6 days though have been quite memorable. It started on Friday 14th with our leavers disco and it was so nice to see our children dressed so smartly and having a great time. Then on Wednesday 19th, we had our leavers assembly. It went amazingly well with such great performances with the highlight being the Cha Cha's doing the Cha Cha slide and seeing so many of our teachers and parents joining in! Then, that night the children got their SAT's results which were incredible with all results being well above the national average. Well done everybody!