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February Learning Highlights
These are the learning questions that our children have been exploring this term.
Nursery: Can I tell others about occupations which interest me?
Reception: What does it take to be a superhero?
Year 1: What is the biggest threat to our oceans and seas?
Year 2: How can we prove dinosaurs existed?
Year 3: What were the greatest achievements of the Ancient Civilizations? Ancient Egyptians and Shang Dynasty.
Year 4: How to inventions happen? Inventions that changed the world.
Year 5: How did the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons shape Britain?
Year 6: What does a responsible design look like? Why is it important to produce high quality designs?
In EYFS we have been learning about People Who Help Us and Real- Life Superheroes. We were lucky enough to have a visit from two local police officers who could talk to the children about their jobs and show them the police car - including the incredibly loud siren. The children loved having the opportunity to meet the officers and ask them questions. It was a wonderful start to the new topic!
In EYFS we have been learning about People Who Help Us and Real- Life Superheroes. We were lucky enough to have a visit from two local police officers who could talk to the children about their jobs and show them the police car - including the incredibly loud siren. The children loved having the opportunity to meet the officers and ask them questions. It was a wonderful start to the new topic!
Year 1
Year 1’s big question this term was ‘What is the biggest threat to our oceans and seas?’ The children have had lots of enriching experiences to support them answer this question. The children visited the sea life centre and learnt about sea life around the world and how they are cared for. They had a visit from the museum learning team and learnt about features of boats and ships throughout the years. They used their knowledge from the museum learning session to create model boats out of clay
Year 2
What a fantastic day year 2 had on Dino day! The children took part in a range of amazing activities like fossil hunting, fossil examining and so much more! The children particularly took great enjoyment in digging for fossils in our very own school digging pit. Pupils were also able to examine a variety of fossils which dated back to over a million year ago! How amazing is that! Overall, via this museum learning experience, pupils were able to apply their knowledge of palaeontology to become real-life palaeontologists!
National history museum
On the 7th of February, year 2 were extremely lucky to visit the National History Museum in London. Through the trip, pupils were able to explore the history of prehistoric reptiles (dinosaurs) and found out how Museum science continues to reveal insights about what dinosaurs looked like and how they lived.
Year 3
Year 3 had the opportunity to visit Eton college this half. This term's big question is- 'What were the greatest achievements of Ancient Civilization?'
Children were able to explore the Museum of Antiquities and look at objects from the ancient world and discover more about life in Ancient Egypt.
Year 4
The Year 4 children took part in a fantastic workshop called Designer, Maker, User where they learnt about the design process and what's involved in designing something suitable for many different purposes. The children also independently looked around a Designer, Maker, User exhibition which featured almost 1000 items of twentieth and twenty-first century design viewed through the angles of the designer, manufacturer and user. We also learnt about an artist called Yinka Illori and his influence on community art projects.
Year 4 has been reading Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: The original adventure in conjunction with our topic on inventions.
We became inventors and we created our own designs for a new invention which would solve a problem which society faces on an everyday basis. Our Hight Stake Project will be to create a Dragon's Den and pitch these inventions to our Senior Leadership Team dragons. We are so excited after half term to share our inventions and see who the Heritage Dragon's invest in!"
Year 5
What a fantastic half term it has been for Year 5! The children had been learning all about the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons, looking at how they have shaped Britain as it is today. The children have been involved in some incredible opportunities, experiences and learning. At the start of the term, they took part in a Vikings Drama Workshop with a West End Performer, learning all about the Vikings invasion in a truly interactive experience. Who knows, maybe it has inspired some of our children to be on stage themselves! The children were also lucky enough to get their hands on some Museum Learning objects to provide them with a real hands-on experience. In addition to this, the children have been continuing their Arts Award project and studied a unit of Still Life Paints. The progressed from an artist study on Paul Cezanne, to shading, mixing paints and tones, before then creating their final piece of Still Life art, using objects they could find within the classroom. Next half term we will be studying all about the Victorians and their impact on the world we live in today!
Year 6
This term, in Year 6, we have been making dolls based on the short film “The Maker”. This has involved the development of our Design and Technology (DT) skills, as we have had to design our dolls, plan which materials we would need to use to make them (and why these materials would be effective), before finally making our own “Makers”. The children have imparted their own spin on their “Makers” by using their own materials from home, and choosing what they want the eyes to look like – making every “Maker” that little bit more unique!
Year 6 students have been reading 'Frankenstein' have been learning about the route Victor Frankenstein took in search for his monster across Europe. Each group of children have taken the responsibility to present their research findings about these European countries. The children created fact files, leaflets, diagrams, PowerPoints and sways.