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End of Term Highlights
This Summer term we have all been working on a project called "Happiness". Every year groups have been focusing in one particular theme link with the Right of the children. With this project, we aim to help children develop their voice and express themselves through words and art.
EYFS have been looking at families this half term. They have learnt what makes their families unique, different and special. In Reception, they have been writing about their families and using descriptive words when writing poems about their special family. In Nursery, they have been drawing a family portrait and discussing what their family looks like compared to others in their class. They have worked very hard on celebrating their different families and showing them to the school community.
Nursery have had a great last half term. We have been practicing for our Graduation and finally got to show our grown ups the amazing things we are capable of! We have made great friends this year and learnt how to play cooperatively and work in teams. It has been a fun filled year in Nursery and we have made our teachers very proud.
Reception enjoyed their trip to Bekonscot Model Village. The children experienced life throughout history during a workshop and they got to dress up in different time periods. The reception children got to explore and interact with the village and discuss their thoughts about the buildings, scenery and how life differed from then to now. They can not wait until their next trip!
Year 1
Year One have had a fantastic term learning all about play and recreation. We learned lots of new games to help us with our learning and develop teamwork. We designed our own 3D board games and played them with the Reception children who are joining Year One in September. We even tried out some new hobbies including juggling and hula hoops!!
Year 2
Year 2 loved their 'Happiness' Project this term where they were able to focus on Article 31 of the UN Convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC). The children discussed at length about what it meant to play and the benefits of play and recreation with one saying "Play helps me to find out about my personality", whilst another said "Play allows me to safely explore the difference between right and wrong" as well as "Play enables me to bring my imagination to life...and teaches that anything is possible if I find the right way of doing it". The children created board games to help show their right to play and be imaginative and you can see by the incredible examples in the pictures how much the children thrived during this topic. They even worked hard by writing instructions for their games and realised they had to be really descriptive in order for people to play their game properly. We are so proud of them!
Year 3
Year 3s Shakespearean performance of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' was magical and outstanding. The children's hard work and determination was evident in their performance. Children successfully performed a song, created the stage backdrop and designed the costumes for the actors. They learnt about happiness and the notion of their rights to achieve happiness through discussions of the text and while exploring characters during literacy sessions.
Year 4
Year 4 have been learning about ‘every child’s right to health’ according to the declaration of Geneva. Our students have been learning about the NHS and it’s historical value to the united kingdom. Our project focus was the aspects of health. Our students identified ways in which they could improve the physical and mental health of the students in Langley Heritage Primary.
Year 5
How did we make our canvases?
The focus of our learning in Year 5 this term has been Poetry. We have used this as a “golden thread” which has been interwoven into all the learning we have done. In our English lessons, we have studied the work of poet Joseph Coelho, as well as the “This Is Us” project, which aims to empower young people of all backgrounds through poetry. In Reading lessons, we have studied many different poems such as “The Midnight Visitor” and “Through Each Window”, all which have helped us to understand different poetic devices and styles. Finally, in Art, we have been learning about focal points, emotions (warm and cold colours) as well as monochromatic backgrounds – this was all done within the context of how they are used to represent poems.
We have taken everything we have learnt this term, and created our very own poems in groups, with each stanza representing a member of each group. Our canvases are a reflection of the emotions we feel when creating our masterpieces – can you tell who is who based on the poems?
To top off this amazing year, we would like to dedicate some time to celebrate another incredible achievement. The year 5 Arts Awards! Throughout this year our children have developed numerous artistic skills and have learnt about different artistic styles which have given them the confidence to independently try and mix different techniques while expressing their feelings, as can be seen with their final project 'this is us'.
They have tried, analysed, studied, and interpreted different artist and art forms and this has given them the skills needed to grow their arts and leadership talent. Do you want to know more about this certified award? Visit arts awards.org.uk to help you understand the journey your child has been through.
Year 6
This term, our amazing Year 6’s went into the business world with their enterprise project. The children were split into their house groups where they were tasked to come up with innovative ideas to make money. They then had to make and promote their products throughout the school with a range of eye-catching posters and displays. The children showed their resourcefulness and collaborative skills to sell their range of products including stress balls, loom band bracelets and popcorn during and after school to give sales of over £1700 to generate a profit of £1111.
End of term production
For the first time in 3 years, Year 6 were able to end their term with a fabulous production to celebrate their time at the Langley Heritage.
Compered by the Head boy and girl (Anish and Shaivi) took staff and parents on a trip down memory lane to visit some of their favourite and most cherished memories from their past. The children worked really hard to prepare and practice their parts to give a performance that their parents wouldn’t forget as childhood haircuts in nursery, online learning and dodgy referees were all revisited along with the opportunity to mock their teachers with their impressions and alternative rewards!
SATS Results
We quite simply could not be prouder of our Year 6 children for all they have achieved this year in their SATS. The children have worked extremely hard throughout the whole year and this was reflected in their incredible results – including being 10% above the National Average for Maths. Outstanding!
PGL and In School Activities
A group of children from Year 6 travelled to the Brecon Beacons in Wales to their residential. The children were a credit to the school with their behaviour and attitude. They took on every challenge with enthusiasm and bravery and learned many new skills including: Air Rifle, kayaking, caving, orienteering and other watersports. It was a fantastic few days, despite Mr Mackrory’s snoring!
The children who did not attend PGL had a fun few days at school taking part in Art workshops, PE activities and even a bowling trip!