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Learning Highlights
The children have been working hard learning new things. Below are examples of some of the impressive things happening at TLHP.
The Nursery children enjoyed meeting the chicks that Reception hatched. They were so gentle and caring while handling the chicks.
Year 2 children have been learning how to read the time on a clock to the nearest 15 minutes. The children were able to create their own clocks and work in pairs to work out the time. Like many of the other years, year 2 were also lucky to meet the chicks!
Year 3 have been using their skills of shading dark and light tones to create observational drawings of farm animals.
Year 5 & 6 took part in a Silly Science Workshop, led by Professor Sulphur Nitrate, who entertained the children by setting things on fire, exploding a can, making a ping pong ball and beach ball levitate and making a rocket fly! She managed to do all these incredible things without harming any of her trusted assistants... unlike Mertle who was sent to Space!
We kicked off Science Day with a fantastic ‘Wake and Shake’.
The session left us energised and ready to tackle Science Day. Children than attended Silly Science workshops, designed posters and went on to do numerous investigations on the topic chosen by The British Science Association- Growth. A fitting theme for what has been a turbulent time for all of us, ‘Growth’ links with multiple areas across science, technology, engineering and maths.