Nursery: Can I tell others about occupations which interest me?

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Jan 27, 2025

Nursery explored the topic of occupations this half term. Our learning question was: Can I tell others about occupations which interest me? Children explored the book Whose Hat is This? which looked at firefighters, police officers, chefs, construction workers, beekeepers and astronauts. They thoroughly enjoyed retelling this story and being able to talk about what they wanted to be when they grow up. We also had a very exciting visit from our local fire department who gave the children a fire safety talk and discussed all the different things that they did. Children then had the opportunity to explore the fire truck and ask questions. While children learned all about what they wanted to be when they grew up, they also explored different celebrations - listening to stories and making crafts to celebrate Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day. While children had a great time with all of these experiences and activities, they were also developing their communication and language skills and got to participate in an activity with their parents to develop this.

They also enjoyed developing their blending skills, number sense, creativity and friendships. It has been a great half term and we look forward to celebrating what our children want to be when they grow up with a dress-up day in their first week back.