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- Year 6: What do we know about Langley’s role in the se...
Year 6: What do we know about Langley’s role in the second world
This Half-Term, Year 6 have been doing a local study of Langley to see its impact in World War II. As part of this project, children looked at their local area to discover what role the site of the Heritage played along with other local school areas and our shops. They also looked at famous people (Such as Sydney Camm and Baroness Platt of Writtle) to see the role they played and their significance to Langley. Children also produced a range of artwork to go along with this and in particular focused on the work of Charles Alston and Paul Nash which was then displayed for the school to see.
For our High Stakes Project, we did an exhibition for other year groups to show them our learning for the term. Year 6 children were able to discuss and explain to other children what they were learning about and what they found out about Langley's role during WW11. They were proud to explain the art skills that they learned this term and the information they found out about the two War artists that they researched and skilfully recreate their work.